LearnWorlds Quizzes

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LearnWorlds allows you to add quizzes to your courses in the form of self-assessments and exams. 

You can create both graded and ungraded quizzes.

All the plans on LearnWorlds have access to assessments with over 16 question-and-answer types.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quizzes were a Legacy feature, but self-assessments and exams are available now
  • You can offer feedback and grade your user’s exams and self-assessments
  • You can also use self-assessments for students to reflect with no feedback given

Can I Create Quizzes on LearnWorlds?

Yes, you can create a quiz on LearnWorlds. However, LearnWorlds calls them exams and self-assessments. 

The term “quizzes” is a LearnWorlds Legacy feature.

Types of LearnWorlds Quizzes

There are two types of quizzes available on LearnWorlds: exams and self-assessments. 

Both of these sit within your course. 

You can provide feedback for both types of quizzes. If you want to give your users a space with no feedback provided, you can do this with self-assessments.

  • Exams – On LearnWorlds, exams are formal, graded tests.
  • Self-Assessments – On LearnWorlds, self-assessments are informal, non-graded tests. 

How to Create Exams and Self-Assessments on LearnWorlds

Exams and self-assessments can be added to your courses.

How to Create an Exam on LearnWorlds

  1. Open the course you want to add an exam to.
  2. Click Add Activity.
  3. Select Exams.
Select Exams

There are a variety of exam templates:

  • Blank Exam – Create your own graded exam. You can choose to add a mixture of closed and open questions.
  • Graded SCORM – Upload your graded SCORM package.
  • Text Assignment – Add a question with a text answer that students can complete. Once submitted, you will need to grade the answer.
  • File Assignment – Add a question that students answer by uploading a file. Once submitted, you will need to grade the answer.
  • Video Assignment – Add a question that students answer by recording a video. Once submitted, you will need to grade the answer.
  • Audio Assignment – Add a question that students answer by recording audio. Once submitted, you will need to grade the answer.
  1. Click on the exam type you want to add.
  2. Name the exam and click Save.
Name the exam and click Save

How to Create a Self-Assessment on LearnWorlds

  1. Open the course you want to add a self-assessment to.
  2. Click Add Activity.
  3. Select Self-Assessments.
Select Self-Assessments

There are several templates.

These include the following:

  • Blank Self-Assessment – Create your own self-assessment. You can choose to add a mixture of closed questions and open questions to combine in the form.
  • Assess Your Knowledge – Use close-ended questions to assess knowledge with instant feedback.
  • Write Your Views, Goals, and Emotions – Add a question with a text answer that students can complete. You will be asked to provide feedback on the answer.
  • Upload Your Work – Add a question that students answer by uploading a file. You will be asked to provide feedback on the answer.
  • Record Your Short Video – Add a question that students answer by recording a video. You will be asked to provide feedback on the answer.
  • Record Your Audio – Add a question that students answer by recording audio. You will be asked to provide feedback on the answer.
  • Diary – Allow students to write down their opinions, thoughts, or ideas without providing feedback.
  • Reflection Journey – Provide a space where students can comment on their previous answers, goals, etc.
  1. Click on the self-assessment type you want to add.
  2. Name the self-assessment and click Save.
Name the self-assessment and click Save

Editing LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments

The next steps of creating, editing, and customizing are almost the same for both exams and self-assessments. 

The areas of differences are highlighted and explained below

Updating LearnWorlds Self-Assessments and Exams

Updating LearnWorlds Self-Assessments and Exams
  1. After you’ve created your learning activity, hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Settings.
Here you can edit the following settings:
  • Title
  • Description
  • Icon
  • Add Digital Download
  • Activity Background
  • Password Protect
  • Completion Rule
  1. Make the changes and click Save.

How to Customize the Design of Your LearnWorlds Exam and Self-Assessment

  1. Hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Edit Questions.
This will open the editor.
  1. Click Design from the top menu.
This will open the editor

This will open the Theme Explorer. It works in the same way as using it to edit your website and pages.

Here, you can adjust the look of your exam or self-assessment. 

There are the following five tabs:

  • Theme Explorer – You can change the colors, spacing, and layout templates.
Theme Explorer
  • Backgrounds – Adjust the backgrounds of each element of the self-assessment or exam. 
  • Typography – The default typography settings will match those of your website. However, you can override these for your exam and self-assessments. You can adjust the size, color, and other settings of your text.
Theme Explorer
  • Navigation – You can adjust the navigation mode and layouts. You can also choose your buttons and bar image and settings.
  • Assessment Viewer – You can adjust the look of your icons, timer, and checkboxes. You can also choose a question transition effect.
  1. Adjust your settings.
  2. Click Save.
  • Save as Custom Styles – The design changes you’ve made will only appear for this self-assessment or exam.
  • Save as School Default – The design changes you’ve made will apply to all forms, self-assessments, exams, and certificates. However, for the navigation settings, only the previous, next, submit button, and navigation bar settings will be saved.

How to Adjust Exam and Self-Assessment Settings

  1. Hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Edit Questions.
This will open the editor.
  1. Click Settings in the top left corner.
Click Settings in the top left corner
  1. Adjust the settings to suit your exam or self-assessment. There are several settings you can alter, including the following:
  • Grade and Attempts – You can set the passing grade percentage, choose how many attempts students have, and adjust the confirmation pop-up.
  • Timer – Choose whether users will need to complete the exam or self-assessment in a certain time. You can choose a countdown for either the entire exam or self-assessment or per question.
  • Randomize –  Decide whether all or a random number of questions will appear in the exam or self-assessment. You can also choose whether the questions are presented in the same order or shuffled.
  • Feedback – Toggle the buttons to decide what feedback is presented and how the feedback is shown to students.
  • Manual Feedback – If you want to send exams with form and closed questions to the review center for manual feedback, you can toggle this setting on. 
    • All exams with questions that need to be manually graded will be sent to the review center automatically and are not affected by this setting.
  • Ending Screen – Choose the details shown to customers once they complete the exam.
  • Auto Recovery – Adjust the time students can leave the exam and return without losing their answers. 
  • Learner Tools – Show learner tools and allow students to move between questions and bookmark them.
  • After Submission – Add a custom tag for after the exam is submitted and tag users who pass the exam.
  • Assignment Grading – Set a passing grade for open-ended questions.
Assignment grading
  1. Once you’re happy with your setting changes, click Save and Close.

How to Customize and Add Questions to LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments

You can add the same questions to both exams and self-assessments.

However, there are some differences. Self-assessments also allow you to add form questions, and exams will have an additional settings option for scoring.

  1. Hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Edit Questions.

This will open the editor.

  1. Click + Add/Import Question.
Click + Add/Import Question
  1. Choose the question type you want to add.
Choose the question type you want to add.

There are eight question types. These include the following:

  • Multiple Choice – Multiple choice questions allow you to add several answers, but only one answer is correct. 

You will need to select the correct answer to the question by clicking the X underneath the answer.

Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Answers – Multiple answer questions allow you to add several answers with multiple correct answers.

You will need to select the correct answers to the question by clicking the X underneath them.

Multiple Answers
  • Match and Ordering Questions – These questions allow users to either match two answers together or drag answers into the right order.
Match and Ordering Questions

If you choose a match question, you will need to add the prompt and match.

If you choose an order question, add your answers in the correct order.

  • Short Text – This question type allows users to free-type a short answer in the text box. You can add the correct answers.
Short Text
  • Text Assignment – A text assignment allows students to free type a long-form assignment as the answer.
Text Assignment
  • File Assignment – A text assignment allows students to upload a file as an answer.
File Assignment
  • Record Video or Audio – This is a question that students answer using video or audio.
Record Video or Audio

If you’re creating a self-assessment, you can also combine form questions. 

This allows students to provide feedback, self-assess, and rate their experience.

You can add the following form questions to your self-assessments: 

  • Multiple Choice – This includes multiple choice, multiple answer, dropdown, country list, and consent.
  • Text – Add short text or a paragraph.
  • Contact – Ask students for their name, email, phone, and URL.
  • File Upload – Students can upload a file as an answer.
  • Record Video or Audio – Students can answer with video or audio
  • Rating and Ranking – Students can rank the question based on numbers, stars, hearts, or likes.
  • Date and Time – Ask students to respond to a question with a date, time, or date and time.
Date and Time

Now you’ve added your question, you can customize them. To do so, follow these steps:

Firstly, click on the text box. You can then type your questions and answers.

text box

Next, hover over the question and click Edit Question. This will open a settings box on the right side of the screen. You can edit the following settings:

click Edit Questio

The first tab is the settings tab. The settings will vary depending on the question type. They will include all or some of the below settings:

  • General
    • Required – Toggle to choose whether the question is mandatory to answer.
    • Hide from Viewer – Choose whether or not to hide the question from students.
  • Layout – Multiple choice questions are the only ones that display this setting. Here you can choose the layout of the answers.
  • Properties – The options here will vary depending on the question type.
    • Shuffle Choices – If you have a multiple choice or multiple answer question, you can change the order the answers appear.
    • Option Numbering – If you have a multiple choice or multiple answer question, you can decide how your answers are numbered. E.g., 1,2,3,4 or a,b,c,d, etc.
    • Number of User Answers – This will only appear for multiple answer questions. You can choose how many answers a user can select.
    • Placeholder Text – This will appear on any free-typing question box. It is the text that appears before the student types their answer.
    • Minimum Characters – This will appear on any free-typing question box. It is the minimum number of characters students can add to the answer box.
    • Maximum Characters – This will appear on any free-typing question box. It is the maximum number of characters students can add to the answer box.
    • Text Area Width – This will appear on any free-typing question box. It is the width of the free text box.
    • Text Area Height – This will appear on any free-typing question box. It is the height of the free text box.
    • Formatting Bar – This will appear on any free-typing question box. You can choose whether students can format the text.
    • Placeholder – This will appear on any dropdown question. It is the text that will appear in the dropdown box before an answer is selected.
    • Choices – This will appear on any dropdown question. You can add the dropdown answers that students can choose from.
    • Dropdown Width – This will appear on any dropdown question. It allows you to choose the width of the dropdown.
  • Correct Answers – This option only appears for short text questions. You can add the correct answers here.

The next tab is Feedback. 

  • Feedback – You can decide whether or not you want to provide feedback for each question. 

The next tab is Tags. This will appear for multiple choice, multiple answer, and dropdown questions.

  • Responses Tags – You can add tags to students who answer the questions with a specific answer.

If you are creating a graded exam, you will also have a Score tab. 

  • Score Method – Decide whether you want basic or advanced scoring.
  • Points – Choose how many points can be granted for the question.

How to Reorder and Delete Questions on LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments

Once you’ve added all of your questions, you can change the order and delete questions.

To do so, use the left-hand navigation bar.

  • Reorder Questions – You can drag and drop the questions into the correct order by clicking on the :: located before the question number. You can also move questions using the menu, as described below. Use to add sections to organize your questions. 
  • Move Up, Move Down, Cut, Copy, Paste, Hide, and Delete Question – Hover over the question and select the :. This will open the menu. Here, you can move the question, cut, copy, paste, hide, and delete it. 
  • Duplicate Question – Hover over the question and click the duplicate button. This will make a duplicate of the selected question.
Duplicate Question

How to Edit LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments Start Screen

The start screen will appear when users enter your exam or self-assessment. You can add any helpful information that students will require before starting.
  1. Hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Edit Questions.
This will open the editor.
  1. Click Starting Screen.
LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments
  1. Use the click-to-edit feature to edit your starting screen.
You can use the + button to add widgets to your screen.
button to add widgets
  1. Click Preview to view the screen changes and Save once you’ve finished editing.

How to Edit LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments End Screen 

The end screen will appear when users submit the exam or self-assessment. 

The widget results that appear are configured in your settings, as shown earlier.

LearnWorlds Exams and Self-Assessments End Screen
However, you can also customize the ending screen
  1. Hover over the name of the exam or self-assessment and click Edit Questions.
This will open the editor.
  1. Click Ending Screen.
Click Ending Screen
  1. Use the click-to-edit feature to edit your ending screen.
You can use the + button to add widgets to your screen.
button to add widgets
  1. Click Preview to view the screen changes and Save once you’re finished editing.

How to Use LearnWorlds Review Center

The review center is a space where admins and instructors can manually provide feedback on self-assessments and exams.

Your submissions will be moved to the review center if your self-assessment or exam meets any of the following criteria:

  • If you set the manual feedback setting when creating your exam or self-assessment.
How to Use LearnWorlds Review Center
  • If you have any assignment questions included in your exam or self-assessment. These include text assignments, file assignments, or record video/audio questions. 
Date and Time
  • If you have added file upload or record video/audio form questions to your self-assessment.
record video/audio form questions

To view the report center and leave feedback, follow these steps:

  1. Click Report Center.
  2. Under Exams, select Review Center.
  3. Select Unreviewed/Ungraded.
Click Report Center

The next steps will vary, depending on if you’re reviewing an exam or assignment.

To review a graded exam, follow these steps:

  1. Select Review Assessment
Select Review Assessment
  1. You can set the score percentage and provide feedback.
You can also view the points for manually and automatically graded questions on the scoring summary. The scoring summary also shows the total score points and whether the user has passed or failed.
  1. Click Submit Review.
To review a self-assessment, follow these steps:
  1. Select Review Self-Assessment.
Click Submit Review
  1. You can then provide feedback.
  1. Click Submit Review.

How to Use LearnWorlds Gradebook

The grades of your exams are recorded in the gradebook on LearnWorlds. You can view, edit, reset, and export your exam results from here.


There are two ways to access the gradebook. The first is through the course that the exam is attached to. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Click Courses.
  2. Select the course which includes the exam you want to view.
  3. Select Dashboard. Find Latest Exams and click Gradebook.
Click Courses

The second way to open the gradebook is as follows:

  1. Click Report Center.
  2. Select Gradebook.
Select Gradebook

Now that the gradebook is opened, you can view the answers to your exams. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Hover over the students’ results you want to view. 
  2. Click See Answers.
Click See Answers
  1. This will open the feedback report.
This will open the feedback report

Edit and Reset Tries

You can edit the answers users gave and reset your users’ tries.

To do so, click on the user’s results and click Edit Scores.

Edit and Reset Tries

This will open a pop-out window. 

Here, you can click Reset All Tries.

click Reset All Tries

You can also hover over one of the user’s previous tries, and it will show you two options. The first is to edit the score, and the second is to delete the user’s score.

second is to delete the user's score


To grade or score any submitted assignments, you need to use the review center. 

You can access this as described above. Alternatively, you can click on the ungraded assignment and click Grade Now. You will then be redirected to the review center. 



You can also export your users’ results from the gradebook.

To do so, hover over the results you want to export and click Export Answers. This will immediately download the results to your device.


Frequently Asked Questions

The term “quizzes” is a Legacy feature on LearnWorlds. But you can still create these types of learning activities using self-assessments and exams instead.

Yes, graded quizzes on LearnWorlds are called exams.


About Authors

  • Samuel Fletcher is a entrepreneur with over 15 years in online course development. With an in-depth understanding of online course platforms, including Kajabi, Thinkific, LearnWorlds, and more, he has not only created courses on these platforms but has also assisted others in their course creation journeys. Beyond his hands-on experience, Sam is a passionate blogger, online business mentor, and a proactive contributor to community initiatives. His commitment to excellence and belief in dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment drives his success. Recognizing the gap in unbiased, quality information about online course platforms, he co-founded SupplyGem. In addition to his leadership role, Samuel serves as a Technical Writer at SupplyGem, sharing his expertise with a broader audience. Moreover, he's an active member of professional associations such as the Association for Talent Development (ATD), The Learning Guild, and others, underlining his dedication to continuous learning and industry advancement.

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